"Make no little plans" is easier said than done, but when it comes to making a commitment to living life to the fullest, it is a must. You can't live scarily and expect to have a major impact. Do away with the limitations and be bold! Think about this: How great does it feel when you finally do something you've been afraid to do? How reaffirmed do you feel after you achieve something you barely thought was possible? Let's think about how that praise hit a bit differently when your faith and long-suffering were rewarded a hundredfold. Aye! That's when some of us become the church's dance ministry, floor ministry, street ministry evangelizing to all who will listen, or if we were blessed with vocals, the praise and worship leader that coerces everyone to clap, sing, and dance all giving honor, glory, and praise to the One whose worthy.
Once you've decided to break the cycle, come out of zombie nation, and live life fully, that does not only refer to traveling. #AdventuresAwait in all forms, everywhere I go. Because I'm ready for it. I know whatever comes my way, I can hand it because of Who is on my side. When I mentioned previously that I started small with living my life to the fullest, I was referring to me actively looking for ways to discover more of myself and advancing my testimony. This included me training for 5Ks, trying to travel more (initially with groups of friends, but I quickly found out, you have to branch out on your own sometimes because everybody can't go where you trying to go--emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually), trying new foods even though I have been an avid picky eater since childhood (I can taste the difference in milk brands, pops, even waters and I got certain brands I prefer and others that I don't mess with--no cap).
As you embark upon this journey with me, what are your small plans? Build on them! Never in a million years would I think that I would even finish a 5K, especially considering that I have a heart condition, but here we are three years later, not only do I enjoy them but I've completed five to date! I even got my mother, church members, cousins, and my fur baby (shout out to @MsRemyMa_ThePup) to participate.
Another way I decided to overcome limitations is that in every location I travel to, in spite of almost drowning six times, my goal is to at least stick my foot in just about every major body of water on Earth. Why "just about"? Because I have no desire whatsoever to stick any part of my body in the Arctic Ocean. I don't plan on going anywhere that has temperatures similar to what we experienced in Chicago this winter with (-50*F). But I'm well on my way to having an impressive adventurer resume under the water adventures by checking off the Pacific Ocean, Persian Gulf, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, and Niagara Falls (I did the Hornblower Niagara Cruise and the Maid of the Mist Boat Tour).
What is something off first thought, you want to do that seems improbable? Set out to achieve it. Make no little plans when it pertains to living your best life! Live your life boldly and unapologetically.
Travel Hacks for Your Excursions:
-Research is vital BEFORE you leave. That way you can tell your travel agent while he/she is preparing your package and you can compare rates and details utilizing what is offered and what's on Groupon (yes, Groupon is in multiple countries, you're welcome) and TripAdvisor.
-It may cost more, but depending on your location, hotel/resort pick up and drop off makes life so much easier and in the long run cheaper and safer.
-If you're staying on an all-inclusive resort, know that there are multiple travel agencies that send salespeople there to recruit people for the additional activities they offer. Don't be afraid to shop around there. Sometimes the salespeople will quote you a higher price because they are attempting to get more commission money. While we respect their hustle, when you on a budget, you have to make the best move for yourself.
